Podcasts have become popular, and it seems today that everyone and their dog has a podcast worth listening to. I often think about starting one of my own but am in awe of the shear amount of work it is to find good guests, topics, and to keep a steady schedule of recording. Regardless, I have been interviewed for three music education podcasts to date, and all of them are worth a listen, not just my episode, but the others in their roster too.
First Up:
The Elementary Music Teacher Podcast with Jessica Peresta

The EMT Podcast Description
Are you an elementary music teacher? Maybe you’re worn out, overwhelmed, or feel like it gets harder each year.
Hi, I’m Jessica, and it’s my passion to help elementary music teachers, just like you, figure out your unique teaching style. In this podcast, I’ll share helpful tips and strategies, work-home life balance tips, and mindset blocks, while helping give you the motivation you need to gain momentum in your teaching so you can continue being the music teacher rock star you already are.
Here is my episode:
The Score: An Urban Music Education Podcast with Eric Jimenez and Justin Mclean
The Score Podcast Description
An Urban Music Education Podcast hosted by Eric and Justin. They provide tips and strategies through honest discussions about their experience teaching music in an Urban setting. The goal is to provide a positive and solution-based narrative to create more effective, compassionate and culturally relevant music educators.
Here is my Episode:

3 Podcasts You Might Actually Need
And last but not least:
The Music Ed Mentor Podcast with Elisa Janson Jones

The Music Ed Mentor Podcast Description
Simply graduating with a music education degree doesn’t make anyone 100% ready to jump into any situation in any music classroom. There’s a whole lot of learning that happens on the job. That’s why the Music Ed Mentor Podcast brings in experts from around the globe to help you continue your learning. They share practical experience on things like managing the finances of your program and how best to select repertoire. Perhaps even more importantly, they talk about “off-the podium” skills that can help you create a life you don’t need a vacation from.
While the podcast address a wide variety of topics, every episode includes practical and actionable tips to help music educators like you, both in and out of the classroom.
Here is my episode:
Hope these get you thinking and I hope you check out some of their other awesome episodes. See you next time.
Happy Musicking!