The Project
Darren and Steve are both passionate about popular music education and making sure learners have access to the music they enjoy in schools. Steve and Darren met through their own individual publishing efforts and combined their forces to embark on a publishing journey together.
They both noticed a serious lack of Canadian content in this niche of the music education field. Plenty of American and British literature exists, but there exists almost nothing about the Canadian experience. They are out to fix that and they need your voice to help make it happen!

What kinds of folks are you looking for?
Everyone and anyone in the academy or in K-12 popular music education landscape. We are particularly looking to amplify diverse voices like those in the BIPOC communities.
What kinds of proposals are you looking for?
We are looking for a wide range of topics from the academic, pre-service, and in-service K-12 spheres. Our proposal form gives a more exhaustive list of what kinds of things we are looking for. If you are unsure, do not hesitate to ask us.
Does my proposal qualify as "popular music education"?
We describe Popular Music Education from a wide lense. Chances are that if you combine elements of popular music or informal learning practices into your teaching or research, it very likely qualifies!
What do you need from me right now?
All we need right now is a 250-word description about what you would like your chapter to be about. The chapter writing won't happen until February or March.